
For over 25 years, I have personally been using pure and specially formulated essential oil blends, and just over 10 years using them professionally when I worked as a Massage Therapist. Since Covid has impacted the world, I have been working hard to create Purely Essential which brings these effective blends and essential oils to benefit those in the fitness, sports, massage therapy and natural remedy industries, as well as benefiting individuals for personal therapeutic and well-being purposes.

I did not desire merely to start a business that produces products that benefit a person physically, mentally and emotionally, I also longed to raise awareness and give back to vital charities that make great impacts within local communities. Although we are just starting out as a small Aussie business, as we grow, Purely Essential is committed to giving future employment opportunities to disadvantaged individuals that struggle to find employment due to disability, age or background. This is the heart of Purely Essential. See Charities page for more information about the charities we support.